[PATCH v2 2/3] Re: Implement SSL certificate checking

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sat Dec 18 12:14:45 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 12:06:09AM +0000, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:13:43 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net> wrote:
> > I think the certificate check should be the default option.
> I agree that it should be the default, but I couldn't squeeze that into
> the patch. E.g. we need a location to the CA Certs, which might differ
> among distros (not sure).

What distribution cutomize is definetly NOT something we must care. We
should use our own configuration file to let users change the
destination path (if needed) and we're _done_.

Also, this customization can be done by the distribution maintainers
_if_ they want to support a predefined configuration file for their

> > The topic looks good; merged. Thanks.
> Thank you very much, now we need to notify debian to pull a newer
> version, or John Ferlito does automatically, or what?

There are still ways for improvements (see above ,-p) and we need more
tests reviews against topics in next before shooting a stable release.

The best I can do is a release candidate (RC) which may be a good thing
to encourage people to test the current state of delevopment.

The distribution packaging is done by distribution maintainers or users.
It is not done by upstream (OfflineIMAP developers and maintainer¹). We
try to make the integration work as easy as possible, though.

1. Yes, I know John did packages for debian. But what he did  as a
debian contributor does _NOT_ concern what he did as a maintainer for

Nicolas Sebrecht

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