Syncing strategy

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Dec 8 13:34:19 GMT 2010

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 00:17:33 +1100, Daniel Pittman <daniel at> wrote:
> It will, on some servers, where there a select (which is, in essence,
> a read/write lock on the folder) costs a second or two of processing
> time without competitive load.  (OTOH, you could probably EXAMINE for
> the server -> local phase, which is a read-only select, and much less
> costly...)

Thanks for the info. So it would make sense to pursue that avenue further.

> (What I would *really* love is if the difference between "folder
> deleted on server" and "folder created on local" was noticed and the
> create propagated though.  Plus a pony. ;)

I don't see how or why that should be difficult to detect and implement.
Although I am sure there are reasons why John has never implemented it
so far, so there might be some details hidden that might make it
difficult :). I put it on my virtual TODO.

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