current repository

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Dec 2 22:03:36 GMT 2010

On Thu, 2 Dec 2010 08:08:53 -0500, "Per B. Sederberg" wrote:
> Many projects that were attracted to github are now successfully using
> github "organizations" to provide a more official upstream for a
> project.

Right, that could be done to give us a bit more official flair, rather
than just using a private repo. No strong opinions on what's best here
on my side. As long as the patches flow I am happy :).

> BTW, I'm very happy that development is continuing, so thank you!

Oh, you don't know yet how often I'll break things ;), so don't thank me
just yet. But I'd love to keep on working on offlineimap. A test suite
and sphinx-based API documentation are high up on my list.

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