current repository

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Fri Dec 3 10:03:08 GMT 2010

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 01:26:29 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> While doing so, I think it would be valuable to document some core
> design implementation in an external file to help all of us not that
> familiar with the code. Nothing well documented or detailled so we don't
> have to worry about maintaining it that much in the long term.
> (This is just an idea; I won't be fustrated you're not starting it.)

Yep, while going through, I add in-code documentation like crazy that
can be used for sphinx-generated documentation (looking like all the documentation). I like sphinx, as it allows us to use a nice
mix of manually written documentation with API doc that is magically
extracted from the code (and therefore up to date).

You'll see patches from me for that soon. I already started a topic
branch called feature/sphinx-doc (or so) on my repo.

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