socket.ssl() is deprecated

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sat Dec 4 10:42:45 GMT 2010

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 03:02:05PM +0000, Paul Grove wrote:

> Hi I'm using offlineimap from git (about 2 weeks ago). There doesn't seem
> to have been any commits since

Depends on what branch you are talking to and what your upstream is.

> Sorry for my laziness for not producing a patch to post here,

This is sad.  If nobody else works on your changes, this will just fall
out in memories.

>                                                               but its a
> simple non-perfect change.

You could send a non-perfect patch, then. This is perfectly fine as long
as you warn and prevent the patch looks not ready from your eyes. You'll
have much more chances that someone else cherry-pick your work and
enhance it enough to be merged.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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