Syncing strategy

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Dec 9 10:07:07 GMT 2010

On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 01:48:21 -0500, Ethan Glasser-Camp <glasse at> wrote:
> On 12/08/2010 04:22 AM, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> > - Currently when we blow away/corrupt the LocalStatus files, the next
> >    run will basically ignore the local Maildir and resync from the IMAP
> >    to the local Maildir. Is that the intented behavior that we want to
> >    keep (basically blowing away our local Maildir)?
> Just wanted to mention that I have found it extremely frustrating when I 
> have a full copy of my local maildir but have to re-download everything 
> in order to regenerate the LocalStatus file. If it's possible to change 
> that behavior without breaking something, I would be in favor.

Yes, I have changes that basically will keep the local status intact and
sync just those messages back and forth that are missing on either the
local or the remote side. It worked here when I blew my LocalStatus away
for test purposes. Recovering was quite quick.

But I will be more confident in making changes to the sync strategy once
I have a basic test suite up. Given my current amount of spare time,
that could take a while. But then, given the recent speed of offlineimap
development, a few weeks more or less shouldn't matter.


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