[PATCH] update version number everywhere it's needed

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Mon Dec 13 18:57:57 GMT 2010

On 12/13/2010 12:44 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> 	Thanks John. May I ask why you duplicated this information 3 times? Is there
> 	any logic behind?

bin/offlineimap and offlineimap.py are copies of the same file.  There 
were some people that wanted to just copy bin/offlineimap somewhere or 
just run it from the untarred sourceball.

the reason for the version number both there and in version.py were to 
ensure that people were getting the right version of the modules.  Had 
some people that would run the script but their python path would load 
modules from a different version.  Sorta a problem, that.

Whether the duplicate bin/offlineimap and version checks are needed is 
perhaps no longer a given.  Those date from the earliest days of 
OfflineIMAP 8 years ago.

-- John

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