[PATCH] Re: Implement SSL certificate checking

Johannes Stezenbach js at sig21.net
Wed Dec 15 11:26:20 GMT 2010

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 08:22:10PM -0600, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 21:56:09 +0100, Johannes Stezenbach <js at sig21.net> wrote:
> > You're quick, that's good.  But it's also bad...
> > If you mix cleanups and functional changes, the patch is much harder
> > to review.  Please take the time to seperate the changes before asking
> > others to spend time reviewing it.
> I needed to "mix up" a few things, as introducing the cert verification
> e.g. also reqiured getting rid of the way we did our ssl wrapping.
> It's not like I posted a monster-patch that is totally convoluted, after
> all it is  "only" 3 files, 132 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-). I did
> start work to break out some of the changes in a separate patch. I would
> still like to hear whether the approach is ok, before I invest more time
> in it. Release early, Release often is what I got told :).

Just look at "git log origin/next".  62712cbe15a was supposed to
be a simple fix, but added a crap file which was removed in

IOW, you're already exceeding the review bandwidth
causing the maintainer to apply unreviewed patches.
That sucks.


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