How to move ~/Mail from one computer to another?

chombee chombee at
Tue Jul 20 18:11:34 BST 2010

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:42:56AM -0400, Tim Gray wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2010 at 02:33 AM +0100, chombee wrote:
> >Ok. So I should copy the .offlineimaprc file and the .offlineimap
> >directory also. No problem.
> >
> >Will offlineimap do the right thing even if the hostname and username on
> >the new machine are different?
> >
> >Will it do the right thing if file metadata (such as modification and
> >creation times) of the mail files gets changed in the transfer?
> I can't answer these questions definitively, but I do know that when
> I got a new laptop, I copied over my .offlineimap config files and
> the mail repository, and everything worked as before without
> starting from scratch.

Thanks. I'm going to hold out for a definitive answer for now, because I
sync several IMAP accounts and I don't want to make a giant mess of
them. Does anyone know about this?

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