syncing local to remote

Dominic LoBue dom.lobue at
Thu Mar 4 22:04:27 GMT 2010

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Dale Harris <rodmur at> wrote:
> So I was thinking that offlineimap could do some syncing from local to
> remove. And I do see that when I delete messages locally they are
> deleted on the remote.  However, if I move messages from my INBOX to a
> different folder, I don't see those messages copied back up to remote
> server in that folder. Am I missing something?
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OfflineIMAP isn't uploading your messages because of the special
filenames that are used. I'm not 100% sure why OfflineIMAP does this,
but I do know a way around it: mangle your messages filenames.

Here's how I do it:
-First move the mail you wish OfflineIMAP to upload into a new directory.
-cd into the directory where the mail was moved.
-run the command: shopt -s extglob; for i in *; do mv "${i}"
"${i//,FMD5=+([^:])}"; done
-move the now-renamed mail into the folder OfflineIMAP is watching for

This assumes you're running bash as your shell though.

Dominic LoBue

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