the X-OfflineIMAP header

Dan Christensen jdc at
Thu Nov 25 18:18:20 UTC 2010

Johannes Stezenbach <js at> writes:

> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 11:25:00AM -0500, Dan Christensen wrote:
>> But when an article arrives at the local IMAP server and is synced to
>> the remote server, both copies get an X-OfflineIMAP header.
> What do you mean by "arrives at the local IMAP server"?

I mean that some external process adds a message to the local IMAP server.

> Unless I'm mistaken offlineimap only adds the X-OfflineIMAP header
> when it STOREs messages to an IMAP server.
>> is a problem, because in order to do this, offlineimap must delete the
>> local message and create a new message (with a new UID).
> The X-OfflineIMAP header is only added on the fly during the STORE
> command, not to the source message.

This is false with IMAP to IMAP sync when the source message is in
the local IMAP server.  After the sync, both the local and remote
messages have X-OfflineIMAP headers, and the original local message
is deleted and replaced with the changed one.

I have no idea why this would be done, but I'm hoping that it's an
easy thing to fix.

The other idea I mentioned, which would get rid of X-OfflineIMAP
headers altogether, may be a bit harder to implement, but would be
really great.


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