X-OfflineIMAP prevents turning mails with several Gmail labels into hardlinks

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Tue Apr 5 01:45:38 BST 2011

> now every message has an X-OfflineIMAP header, which aren't the same on
> identical messages, so hardlink doesn't work.
> What's X-OfflineIMAP for, and can I get rid of it? I'm using
> from Ubuntu 10.10, but I can use the git repo if that fixes my problem.

Regular IMAP servers allow to upload (APPEND) a message but they won't
tell you which UID they assign to it (which is how offlineimap keeps tab
of messages). You had to search for the message to get its UID. That's
why offlineimap inserted a random header before APPENDing and afterwards
searched for it.

All current implementations of IMAP support the UIDPLUS extension which
will immediately respond with an APPENDUID message when uploading.

OfflineImap supports this extension in it's latest -rc and will have
that support in the next release. When an IMAP server supports UIDPLUS
(which basically all but Gmail nowadays do), we don't insert headers
anymore and leave your mail alone.

Hope that helps,
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