X-OfflineIMAP prevents turning mails with several Gmail labels into hardlinks

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at sspaeth.de
Tue Apr 5 11:18:56 BST 2011

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 19:39:17 -0600, Iain Dalton <iain.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at sspaeth.de> wrote:
> > OfflineImap supports this extension in it's latest -rc and will have
> > that support in the next release. When an IMAP server supports UIDPLUS
> > (which basically all but Gmail nowadays do), we don't insert headers
> > anymore and leave your mail alone.
> Do I need Gmail to support it, or just my local IMAP server, Dovecot?
> Because the latter does at least.

Depends on the direction in which you sync. Any IMAP server to which you
upload (APPEND) needs to support it, or the email will be munged before

The current release candidate has support for this, and it also works
around the broken gmail support, so you should be fine when using it.

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