Post sync hook only if something was changed?

Vladimir Marek Vladimir.Marek at Oracle.COM
Mon Aug 8 13:03:50 UTC 2011

> > The postsynchook currently runs every time all folders has been
> > processed, no matter if there was or was not any change.
> > 
> > I would like to have a way to run the hook only if there was a change,
> > because I am synchronizing the maildirs to a zip file. That is
> > unnecessary and time consuming if there's no change.
> >  - make it configurable, that post sync hook runs only if there's change
> Yes, I think that option would make most sense. No need to
> overcomplicate things. (I've added this to my private tracker at
> to keep a reminder)

Nice, thank you.

> >  - make postsynchook_changed in addition to postsynchook
> >  - move the logic to the hook program itself; export some environment
> >    variable telling if there was any change ?
> It makes sense. Either you submit a patch, or I'll see that I get a
> patch after I reduced my queue of outstanding patches a little.

It has very low priority to me. I just run the script every hour instead
of from sync hook.


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