[PATCH 3/5] Re: Don't pass a list to ui.copyingmessage()

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Mon Aug 15 07:57:51 UTC 2011

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 17:34:45 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net> wrote:
> This patch introduce a bug for TTYUI.  I wonder if other UI are touched.
> Sorry, to not dig into it further for now.

Right you are, that was an error on my side, thanks for catching. Here
comes (as a reply) the updated version that works. Interpatch diff is:

-    def copyingmessage(s, uid, src, destfolder):
-        if s.verbose >= 0:
-            s._msg("Copy message %d %s[%s] -> %s[%s]" % \
-                       (uid, s.getnicename(src), src.getname(), 
-                        destfolder.getnicename(), destfolder))
+    def copyingmessage(self, uid, src, destfolder):
+        """Output a log line stating which message we copy"""
+        if self.verbose >= 0:
+            self._msg("Copy message %d %s[%s] -> %s[%s]" % \
+                       (uid, self.getnicename(src), src, 
+                        self.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder))

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