[PATCH 2/2] Re: Temporarily delete old-style lock files

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Mon Aug 15 11:21:37 UTC 2011

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:01:01 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> > > The question is: what would happen if a user has/wants two versions of
> > > offlineimap installed (think about cron + interactive) and he launches
> > > an instance for both versions?
> > 
> > New versions would happily overlap running with the old version and but
> > would probably fail to delete the lock file of the old version while it
> > keeps it open.
> Why new versions should have to unlock the old locks? If old versions
> are bad at unlocking, we should fix that.

Old versions are not bad at unlocking, they just leave the lock file
around forever (which doesn't hurt). This patch was just cleaning up the
old lock file by deleting it.

The only problem I see is that if we want to deal with both the old
"global" and the new "per-account" system, we need to implement both and
a) take the global lock AND b) the per-account lock.

In this case, our shiny per-account code wouldn't be of any use as we
are effectively back to the global lock.

Do I make sense?

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