[PATCH 2/2] Re: Temporarily delete old-style lock files

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Mon Aug 15 13:23:49 BST 2011

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 13:55:30 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> There two kind of locks we are mixing:
> - the lock preventing offlineimap to start;
> - the lock preventing concurrent modifications in the same area.
> Both were mixed up because it made sense. This is no more true with a
> per-account lock.
> So, the new version must take care for the old lock while starting up an
> instance. Once started, ignore the old lock for modifications; set up
> and deal with the new "per-account" system.

I see, that makes a great deal of sense. Let me see if I can get
some update patch series during this week.

> ... Or, make it evident in the documentation that the new and old
> locking system don't check for each other while starting; which could
> _strongly_ mess up their data if accidently done. This is the option I'd
> rather not worry our users with.

Right, this would be the easiest code-wise, but if we can get both
worlds to co-exist I would also prefer that.

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