Login Disabled

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Fri Aug 19 11:58:45 BST 2011

On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 18:49:59 +0200, Miguel de Val-Borro <miguel.deval at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot login to an IMAP4 server that uses SSL/TLS on port 143 and
> direct SSL connections on port 993. offlineimap tries plain authentication and
> fails with the error message shown below.  However using the IMAP4_SSL client
> class in imaplib I was able to login to the server:
> imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.astro.su.se').login('user', 'password')

Your servers capabilities are 'IMAP4 IMAP4REV1 STARTTLS
LOGINDISABLED' meaning it can log in via STARTTLS but not via
plaintext authentication. (I just filed a bug against myself to honor
that capability) STARTTLS support was added in the just
released stable, so you might need to upgrade if you want to use starttls.

Alternatively as plain SSL seems to work, you probably simply ommitted
to configure ssl=True in your repository configuration.

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