Cannot interrupt offlineimap 6.3.4 from keyboard

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Aug 30 07:51:08 BST 2011

On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:38:37 -0400, Tony E. Bennett <tony.e.bennett at> wrote:
> I'm in the process of upgrading from v6.0.3.   The new version
> ignores ^C.  In fact, it can only be killed with 'kill -9 PID'.
> Platform is OSX.  I've tried both python 2.6.1 and python 2.6.6.
> Have also tried with and without explicit 'socktimeout = 60'.
> No difference.
> Is this a known issue?   Something to do w/ 'ui' perhaps?

I do CTRL-C all the time and it works fine here. One area where things
can hang is while attempting to read from the IMAP server, as the
underlying imaplib2 doesn't seem to handle or honor CTRL-C. The ui could
have something to do with it, as I usually don't test blinkenlights
extensively. I am happy with TTYUI.

It can only be killed with -9 implies it never exits for you and hangs
somewhere? Or does "only" ctrl-c not work?

Debugging this is a bit tough without further information as it plainly
works here.

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