config assistance [errno.ECONNREFUSED]

Daniel Shahaf d.s at
Thu Dec 15 15:34:32 UTC 2011

Philippe LeCavalier wrote on Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:22:40 -0500:
> Hi All.
> It's been ages since my last post. Truth is, I dropped oli some time ago
> due mostly for my lack of ability in troubleshotting issues in sup
> mail(my one and only reason for using oli). I'm trying to get back into
> sup and oli because despite my aforementioned lack in self-help I was
> still more effecient than with a gui MUA...That said, I've ran into a
> really basic issue in configuring oli...Here's[1] the output I'm seeing
> after creating my offlineimaprc[2]. I suspect this has something to do
> with my shared hosting enviro in that the host doesn't implement true
> certs so perhaps it's failing that process. -although based on my
> knowledge of oli it doesn't actually check certs I think!?

Your configuration doesn't use certificates; it uses plain
authentication over unencrypted streams.

>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/offlineimap/", line
> 323, in acquireconnection
>     elif isinstance(e, socket.error) and e.args[0] ==
> NameError: global name 'errno' is not defined

Can you add this line:

import errno

to the top of and try again?

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