broken sync: IMAP -> local -> IMAP

Timo Nentwig foo at
Thu Dec 1 10:54:43 GMT 2011

On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:47:22 +0100
> From: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at>
> To: Timo Nentwig <foo at>,
>     offlineimap-project at
> Subject: Re: broken sync: IMAP -> local -> IMAP
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 13:10:04 +0100 (CET), Timo Nentwig <foo at> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I do sync between 2 IMAP servers. Actually, it's a one-way backup sync from
>> remote to local. I run into validility errors all the time with by INBOX.Sent
>> folder. Tried all kinds of file deletions (last attempt: find .offlineimap/ |
>> grep Sent) and resyncs and stuff and know have the behaviour that all mail is
>> downloaded from remote to local and then sent
>> back to remote (and then probably sync'ed back again, i.e. duplicating all
>> mails).
> Hi,
> Folder validity errors occur when the UIDvalidity value changes. So
> servers change the UIDvalidity whenever a folder was empty. Does your
> syncing involve completely emptying the folders?
> Sebastian

Sure, I deleted all local mail via IMAP (i.e. not on disk). 6.4.0, BTW.

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