[Bug] Re: SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Fri Feb 4 20:24:31 UTC 2011

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On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 10:36:44PM +0300, Ivan Semin wrote:
>    The bug has been worked around again by deleting the mailbox dir in
>    dovecot (sync target) and the corresponding offlineimap directories
>    (~/.offlineimap/Repository-*). The clean resync finished without errors.
>    In other words, the bug is spontaneous and very hard to reproduce.

Hope someone will catch it and provide more information on it, then...

>    Offtopic: I suggest adding INSTALL and UPGRADE sections to the docs, some
>    people may not be familiar with python install process.

I don't see any valuable content to put into UPGRADE. The INSTALL
documentation stands in docs/ but it may help to move it to the root

Nicolas Sebrecht

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