Debian 6.0

Philippe LeCavalier support at
Mon Feb 7 19:02:42 UTC 2011

Excerpts from Nicolas Sebrecht's message of Mon Feb 07 13:36:07 -0500 2011:
> On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 02:18:08PM +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> > Debian 6.0 has released. A pity we couldn't squeeze something in that is newer than
> > Now, we will have to support a version that was basically
> > released on 12 Aug 2009 for the next 3 years.
> Well, we won't support anything more than what /we/ want to. I won't
> maintain any older version than what we decide. From the last discussion
> we had about that policy, we finally came to a consensus for the v6.3.2
> (stable) as the release to maintain in the long run.
> I still think it's a good point to start from: not too much mess done in
> the code and a better knowledge of that code (since the maintainer
> migration).
> The debian policy is NOT ours. They can do whathever they want (while
> legal) with their packages, _I don't CARE_.  We live in a free world.
> So, if debian maintainers rather do silly things (includeing things in
> plain contradiction with the security issue /they raised/) , I will let
> them do.
>                     I'm also free to laugh at the clown.
Are we not shooting ourselves in the foot by risking pissing off such a large community? 

Nicolas, I must admit I'm disappointed by these comments...

I don't believe this project is or ever will be in a position to stand on a high-horse like that.


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