[ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.3.2-rc3 released

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sun Feb 6 12:24:53 GMT 2011

OfflineIMAP v6.3.2-rc3 is out.

We are still touched by the "SSL3 write pending" bug it would be really nice to
fix before releasing the coming stable. In the worse case, we'll have to add the
first entry in the "KNOWN BUG" section of the manual. I'm afraid it could impact
a lot of users if some distribution package any SSL library not having
underlying (still obscure) requirements.

The best news with this release are the Curse UI fixed and the better reports
on errors.

In this release I won't merge any patch not fixing a bug or a security issue.

Thanks a lot for people helping in OfflineIMAP project and especially ones who
reported bugs during the past -rc cycle. More feedbacks on the main issue would
be appreciated.


* Sample offlineimap.conf states it expects a PEM formatted certificat.
* Give better trace information if an error occurs.
* Have --version ONLY print the version number.
* Code cleanups.

Bug Fixes

* Fix Curses UI (simplified by moving from MultiLock to Rlock implementation).
* Makefile: docutils build work whether python extension command is stripped or not.
* Makefile: clean now removes HTML documentation files.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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