[PATCH 0/13] Re: Reintegrate imaplib2 and IDLE, again

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon Feb 7 19:01:26 GMT 2011

On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 01:38:00PM -0500, Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:
> On 02/06/2011 04:15 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

> >>- Patch 3: Import imaplib2 instead of imaplib. imaplib2 has slightly
> >>   different semantics than standard imaplib, so this patch will break
> >>   the build, but I thought it was helpful to have it as a separate
> >>   commit.
> >Should be told in the commit message.
> Which part? That it will break the build?

This one:

" imaplib2 has slightly different semantics than standard imaplib, so
  this patch will break build, but I thought it was helpful to have it as
  a separate commit.

> imaplib2 is completely and utterly thread-based, so even if we don't
> use IDLE, we still have the reader and writer threads. And it's not
> as simple as try import one, except import the other -- as you see,
> there are fairly significant semantic differences between the two.

Ok; Thanks.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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