New patch series upcoming for the GUI changes

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Fri Jan 7 14:22:06 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 04:34 AM, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> I don't really care that strongly one way or the other, except that
> someone who wants to find out the real copyright on parts of a file
> needs to dig through the revision history anyway, so I see only little
> added value in putting individual names there (which will often be
> forgotten anyway). But then I am not a laywer, and as I said, I don't
> really care.

I think the value comes from tracking down violations.  Surprisingly 
high numbers of people that violate copyrights don't bother to delete 
the copyright statements they are violating.

Also it is often possible for individual files to be grabbed from a 
project, so this communicates the fact that individual files are 
copyrighted too, even if detached.

> Sounds reasonable to me. Perhaps we should expand the (c) statement to
> add "(c) and contributors" or somesuch to make clear that there might be
> more copyright holders to the code than are credited in the file
> header. ?

That is fine with me.

-- John

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