Splitting the lists?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Jan 12 18:38:03 UTC 2011

[ Please, don't use HTML format in your mails. ]

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 07:42:52PM -0500, Philippe LeCavalier wrote:

>    I think we're missing the point I was trying to make. The reason I
>    suggested this wasn't for my or any ones convenience of reading the
>    list . My concern with so much coding mail is that it seems to be burying
>    user requests for help.

It isn't. A user has _much more_ chances to have a valuable answer from
the developers.

If someone feels buried, it's really easy for him to send a reminder

>                            Shouldn't this type of chatter be better
>    documented

Sure, it should. I would certainly merge patches going that way after
the new (coming) documentation approved and merged. I'm still doing this
work off of the community for now.

>    / more appropriate in a bug tracking system anyway? Pardon my ignorance
>    here -I'm getting pretty far off my comfort zone as I don't know much
>    about the process of coding especially the communication thereof...

I'm open to discussions as far as it's constructive. I don't want a bug
tracking tool for some reasons:

  - email is widely used and everybody know how to use it ;
  - setting up a wiki/bug tracker/etc ask time while we have more
    important things to improve, for now ;
  - send patches, review patches, etc is much easier with emails
    (remember, user issues might issue to patches) ;
  - emails are safer and don't rely to one server ;
  - emails history is not lost (think about migrations, etc).

Nicolas Sebrecht

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