More details on folder translator function

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Jan 13 10:21:03 UTC 2011

On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 08:51:22 +0100, Thomas Kahle <tomka at> wrote:
> pythonfile=~/bin/
> Then some account might look like this
> [Repository acc1remote]
> type = IMAP
> remotehost =
> remoteusereval = get_username("")
> remotepasseval = get_password("")
> nametrans = oimaptransfolder_acc1
> ssl = yes
> Note how nametrans is set to a function in the python file which looks
> like this:
> import re
> def oimaptransfolder_acc1(foldername):
>     if(foldername == "INBOX"):
>         retval = "acc1"
>     else:
>         retval = "acc1." + foldername
>     retval = re.sub("/", ".", retval)
>     return retval

Nice, it would make sense to copy these useful bits into a "exemplary
set ups" of "configuration examples" or "use cases" document IMHO.

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