Thanks & Updating Links (was Re:[ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.3.1 released)

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Mon Jan 17 22:36:20 UTC 2011

On 01/15/2011 04:35 PM, John Goerzen wrote:
> Tnx for the ping.  Am on a trip today. Will try to do Mon.  Agreed that the time is right.

OK folks, I've posted updated information at my OfflineIMAP project page 
and wiki on Github.  Take a look at it and let me know if you think any 
changes are needed.

Thanks again to all of you that are contributing to OfflineIMAP "under 
new management" ;-)  I am very happy to see the project continue to live 
and thrive.


John Goerzen

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