, dev testing area and more...

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Jan 26 09:49:33 UTC 2011

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 18:53:00 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> wrote:
> works fine; thanks.
> Yes, there are ways of improvments. :-)

> > That is, sending patches to Nicolas, or should we have a more open policy towards
> > changes on the web site? 
> I don't know what you mean by "open policy" but one should have rights
> to update the content (from contributions).

With more open I meant to give more than one person write/push
access rather than having a single person picking up patches on the
mailing list. 

As I am not sure github supports per-branch permissions, I have for now
created a whole new repository containing the www content at:

Get it via:
  git clone git://
  git checkout gh-pages

This way it might be easiest to add SSH keys for people that should get
access to the web content.

> Nice. I'm fine with you as the maintainer of the website if you want to.

OK, I'll maintain "stewartship" of the website for now. But I would be
very happy to have someone who puts in some effort to create a nicer
portal and takes over the responsibility for it. A nice way to get
involved in the project, people :).

Until then, I will do whatever changes seem appropriate, so yell at me
if you are not happy with some changes. It is still your Nicolas' project.

If Nicolas or someone else wants push rights to the repo, send me your SSH public key.

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