Exemplary Configs

Thomas Kahle tomka at gentoo.org
Sun Jan 30 21:56:19 UTC 2011

Hi again,

sorry for the delay.

On 09:13 Thu 27 Jan     , Philippe LeCavalier wrote:
> > > Thomas, now that we have a new site on the way can we pull some examples
> > > from your site[1] like the one above along with your explanations?
> > 
> > Yes sure! Anything you want me to do?
> Well, if it's not too much to ask, could you re-explain in more lay
> terms how your Python script 'flattens' the dir structure...Perhaps a
> 'big picture' comment ie "the achieving goal of this particular config
> is to..." kinda thing? something like you did for me here[2]
> I'm only going to post the config that is specifically related to the
> project and mention something about "for an interesting/neat way to
> combine the above with other useful tools go here [1]".

I realized that I did not put down a design goal for this.  Since the
folder translation is transparent the only design goal that you might
want to put down is:

How should the folder layout be such that programs accessing it locally
will like it?

In my case the progam is the mutt mail client, and I don't want too
deply nested subfolders.  In my maildir there are subfolders one for
each account.  This is achieved in .offlineimaprc via e.g. the lines

[Repository acc1local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail/acc1

Under ~/Mail/acc1 everything is flat. I want INBOX to be translated to
'acc1', (~/Mail/acc1/acc1 in the local file system!), every folder to
acc1.folder, and subfolders of 'folder' to acc1.folder.subfolder,
i.e. there are no 2nd level subdirectories (in terms of the local file
system) of ~/Mail/acc1.  Example: the remote folder/subfolder of acc1
will be mapped to ~/Mail/acc1/acc1.folder.subfolder.  I did the
duplication of "acc1" because mutt will only display the last part of
the folder and I have "archive" folders on every of my accounts.

Now, the folder translation that we discussed does exactly that.

That is basically it.  I guess mutt can deal with subfolders too, but I
just don't use them.  (Also not remotely).  I believe that imposing too
much hierarchy complicates things.  It is better to dump everything into
big folder and then put the effort into improving the search.

Another remark: In the meantime I have looked at 'mu' [1] as a
replacement for mairix and it looks really good.  I will have to sort
out some minor issues and add it to Gentoo, but eventually I will
replace mairix in the guide.


[1]  http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/

Thomas Kahle
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