New patch series upcoming for the GUI changes

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Jan 6 11:08:15 GMT 2011

On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 19:38:03 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> wrote:
> I've merged the patches 2, 3 and 4/5 into next.
> Patch 5/5 relies on 1/5.
> Patch 1/5 is pending for the John's review.
> Patch 5/5 is ok, but will be delayed until the next major release (API changing).

Sounds reasonable, thanks. As I said, Patch 1 replaces the content of
the file, so technically the copyright is gone. If you want to edit the
patch to keep John in there, I wouldn't mind though. I rather give too
much than too little credit.

Once the patches are in, I will work on the single-thread series.

Just FYI, my next plans are (as time allows):

- optional single threading (better debugging)
- optional and experimental LocalStatus as sqlite db (faster sync)
- Allow 1-way syncing (safer syncing)
- improve SSL CA cert checking and configure options, ie host checking
- add "accept the hosts SSL certificate permanently" option. (security)
- Restart work on a test suite (reliability tests)
- General sync strategy improvements and code cleanups (speed and robustness)
- Code documentation system (easier code overview and hackability)
- Robustness checks (abort network connection during sync etc) (robustness)
- Examine GMail weirdness (improved interoperability)

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