SSL certificate setup

Simon Ward simon at
Sat Jan 8 10:40:03 GMT 2011

On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 09:14:28PM +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 15:22:03 -0600, John Goerzen <jgoerzen at> wrote:
> > anywhere else.  Looking at Received headers reveals that dreamhost sat 
> > on those messages for 34 hours, and that alioth delivered them without 4 
> > seconds of receiving them.  That doesn't show that the problem is or is 
> > not with alioth, but I have long had trouble with dreamhost's mail 
> > servers, and not just with alioth.
> Interesting, as the emails to individuals and those in the CC were sent
> within a few seconds from dreamhost's mail servers. It seems they don't
> like alioth. In any case, I am fine if it takes a bit longer for them to
> show up if I know they are eventually going to be there...

Alioth greylists, and Dreamhost appears to be using different IP
addresses to send mail, some in different /24s.  Depending on
Dreamhost’s send behaviour and alioth’s greylist configuration, each
email you send might get greylisted.  A long retry delay at Dreamhost
wouldn’t help, and if they did not always retry from the same IP address
the mail would not get through until one of the retries came from an
already greylisted IP address in the required timeframe.

I had this problem with mail from Google Groups to my mail server, with
the addition that each appears to have a different envelope sender, but
Google tends to switch between a small number of IP addresses and has a
small delay between retries so the problem is less noticable with delays
of about half an hour.

Alioth could add Dreamhost IP addresses to a whitelist, or Dreamhost
could do something a little more sensible when sending email.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall
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