Offlineimap duplicating email redux

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Fri Jan 21 00:06:12 GMT 2011

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 01:00:28PM +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> I have dug out my branch again and rebased it against current master. It
> consists of 2 small patches creating convenience functions and the main patch.
> 02252dc folder/ Add getmessageuidlist() as a helper function
> 3c1da55 folder/ Implement uidexists helper function
> f1fe844 Revamp Syncing strategy.
> The last one is a bit big (2 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 166
> deletions(-)) I am sorry for that. I tried to make it smaller, but the
> changes were so interdepended that I gave up. The additions come really
> from the code comments that I inserted.
> It would be great to get feedback/testing on that code. Now that I
> resurrected it, I made a backup of my maildir and will be running it for
> a while...

Thanks. I still didn't looked closely the 3th patch but will do.

In any case, it's a bit late to merge before the next stable release.
Depending on how things goes for -rc2 (bug, fix patches, etc), I guess
we _could_ plan a stable release in one week or two _after_ the

Until that time, interested ones can extract the topic from pu.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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