IOError, can't work out what's going wrong

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Jan 26 08:28:54 GMT 2011

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 18:17:25 +0000, Josh Holland <jrh at> wrote:
>   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/offlineimap/folder/", line 93, in save
>     file = open(self.filename + ".tmp", "wt")
> IOError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/home/josh/.offlineimap/Account-Main/LocalStatus/archive-2011-01.tmp'

This really sounds like a generic error. Except that I have no idea what
the "t" flag for the open command is, neither the python documentation
nor "man fopen" know any "t" value. Try to remove that and see if it
goes any further?

Can anyone enlighten me if "t" is a valid flag at all?

Also is there a leftover file at 
/home/josh/.offlineimap/Account-Main/LocalStatus/archive-2011-01.tmp ?

Try to delete that one.

> This is with offlineimap 6.2.0 from the Ubuntu 10.10 repositories; I
> would test with the version from git master if it was working currently.

It is. (master), isn't it?

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