[PATCH 2/4] Re: Handle when UID can't be found on saved messages

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Jul 27 16:34:48 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 05:45:46PM +0200, Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:
> Vladimir Marek <Vladimir.Marek at Oracle.COM> writes:

> > Yes. If we find new mail on 'local' side, we upload it to 'remote' side
> > and then try to find it's UID on the remote side. If we can't find it
> > for any reason, as a fallback we erase the mail on 'local' storage and
> > on next run we hope that it will be synchronized back. But if both sides
> > are IMAP and both IMAP servers don't allow us to find our X-OfflineIMAP
> > header, we'll be doing that in a infinite loop.
> Just to be perfectly clear, this isn't a new problem, right? The patch
> just reverts the behaviour back to what it was in the latest release
> (6.3.3).

Well, I think it should be documented whatever we had before.
I'm merging the topic for now but I do hope someone will write
clear documentation about this issue before the stable.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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