[PATCH 2/4] Re: Handle when UID can't be found on saved messages

Knut Anders Hatlen knut.hatlen at oracle.com
Fri Jul 29 06:49:33 UTC 2011

Vladimir Marek <Vladimir.Marek at Oracle.COM> writes:

> Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net> writes:
>> Ok. So, it may worth merging patches 1-3/4 for the stable and add a
>> documentation about known infinite loop in some cases. Would you agree
>> to explain these know cases in the doc?
> Sure. What exactly you want me to do?

Since the local deletion is explained in docs/FAQ.rst under "Can I copy
messages between folders?", perhaps append a sentence about the
possibility for an infinite loop in that paragraph?

Knut Anders

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