Local copy of message is 1 byte

Leif Huhn leif.dkstat at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 22:07:09 UTC 2011


When running notmuch over my maildir, it complained that four of my messages
were corrupt.  I checked it out and all 4 are one byte files with the
letter 'o' in them.  This is for 6.2.0+nmu2ubuntu1 on Ubuntu Lucid.

I searched around and noticed others have had this one byte problem, but I
seem to have a different byte than others:


I moved aside all my mail (and offlineimap's index) and downloaded my mail
again, with "offlineimap -1 -d imap -l offlineimap-debug.log."  This time the
four messages downloaded properly but a different message was 1 byte.  Here
are the relevant lines from the log:

Copy message 6871 from INBOX: Copy message 6871 IMAP[INBOX] -> Maildir[INBOX], LocalStatus[INBOX]
Copy message 6871 from INBOX: DEBUG[imap]:   25:15.33 > LMEE7053 UID FETCH 6871 (BODY.PEEK[])
Copy message 6871 from INBOX: DEBUG[imap]:   25:16.52 < LMEE7053 NO Some messages could not be FETCHed (Failure)
Copy message 6871 from INBOX: DEBUG[imap]:   25:16.52 	matched r'(?P<tag>LMEE\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)' => ('LMEE7053', 'NO', 'Some messages could not be FETCHed (Failure)')
Copy message 6871 from INBOX: DEBUG[imap]:   25:16.52 NO response: Some messages could not be FETCHed (Failure)
Copy message 6871 from INBOX: DEBUG[imap]: Returned object from fetching 6871: ('NO', ['Some messages could not be FETCHed (Failure)'])

If I type in the fetch command to GMail myself, it works.  I'm guessing it's
just an intermittent error that GMail's IMAP server produces.

Is it possible to have offlineimap retry to get the message later?  I don't
really know what the right fix is.



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