Non-existent folder name in folder list

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Jun 14 08:10:04 UTC 2011

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 22:30:44 +0300, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> The folderlist also contains some
> names which don't exist on the server-side.

Thank you for reminding me about this one.

> When I started offlineimap now it did not sync any folder in the first
> account; it only printed a warning saying the server responded
> "NO Mailbox does not exist".  (It did sync the other two accounts.)

Yep, it would currently cause an OfflineImapError at FOLDER serverity,
but we still have no check for severity at level FOLDER for this code

> * Tolerance.  Sebastian suggests on IRC that the previous behaviour (of
>   syncing the remaining folders in the account) should be restored.
>   (and I concur)

I will be sending a topic branch that implements a ui.error() function
that allows us to send exceptions to the error log and stores them on a
stack for outputting at the end of the offlineimap run. When this one is
merged (or rejected), I will send of a patch fixing this one.

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