DOH: POP3 not IMAP (was: raise self.error(self.welcome) error: None)

Marcelo Luiz de Laia marcelolaia at
Thu Jun 16 17:18:09 UTC 2011

Sebastian Spaeth <sebastian <at>> writes:
> OK hercules Cyrus POP3 v2.2.13-Debian-2.2.13-19 server ready

When I see this one in the logs file, I go to debian packages and searched
"cyrus" and I see that it do IMAP and POP3.

Plus, I received a How To [1] (in Portuguese) from my server administrator to
connect to the server via IMAP.

I am so sorry uf I caused serious dangerous or if I am impolite here! So sorry!

Thank you very much!


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