Gmail to "gmail apps" sync: ValueError: Backend could not find uid for message

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Jun 28 07:54:14 UTC 2011

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 18:42:09 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> wrote:
> > Piers, the imaplib2 maintainer (although Nicolas is basically taking
> > over ;-))
> Sorry but I won't. Piers retracted his offer. We had private discussions
> about that and we couldn't find a consensus on some terms.

OK, good to know. Let's stick to upstream imaplib2 if possible at all. I
don't have the desire to work on a larger code base than necessary :-)

Currently, offlineimap consists of 4381 LOC of python, and imaplib alone
is 1,400 LOC of densly packed code.

> So, unless people come with patches for imaplib2 knowing that I'm open
> to take the maintainance work, we will stick to the current project.


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