[RELEASE DRAFT] Going on v6.3.4-rc2

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon Jun 13 15:55:28 BST 2011

OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc1 is one month old. Also, with the recent bugfix
about data loss in mind, I think it's time to move on next candidate.

As usual, here is the shortlog against Changelog:
Ethan Glasser-Camp (5):
      Recognize configuration for idlefolders
      Add IdleThread class
      Change keepalive() to spawn IdleThreads
      Add check for IDLE in capabilities
      Let the user configure how long to IDLE for

Nicolas Sebrecht (3):
      fix broken ui Blinkenlights in multi-threaded mode
      improve message "error 111" if connection failed
      fix magicline import

Sebastian Spaeth (12):
      Throw errors on connection refused and on non-standard SSL ports
      Assert error hint when trying to create MailDir root
      Allow to create the root MailDir directory
      Allow to specify remote hostname even for the Gmail case
      Fix typos in months names
      folder/IMAP: Remove buggy duplicate assignment
      Update imaplib2 to 2.24
      folder/Maildir: cache getfullname() value
      folder/Maildir: Store only relative filename components
      Add Changelog recommendation for commit 520e39d35536
      Simplify Maildir message saving
      Check SSL certificate for expiration

Tom Lawton (1):
      Handle abort messages from GMail

diff --git a/Changelog.draft.rst b/Changelog.draft.rst
index 83aa357..fd445ac 100644
--- a/Changelog.draft.rst
+++ b/Changelog.draft.rst
@@ -16,17 +16,9 @@ New Features
-* Maildirs use less memory while syncing.
 Bug Fixes
-* Saving to Maildirs now checks for file existence without race
-* A bug in the underlying imap library has been fixed that could
-  potentially lead to data loss if the server interrupted responses
-  unexpected but legal server status responses. This would mainly occur
-  in folders with many thousands of emails. Upgrading from the previous
-  release is strongly recommended.
 Pending for the next major release
diff --git a/Changelog.rst b/Changelog.rst
index 0f5d6d1..66727fa 100644
--- a/Changelog.rst
+++ b/Changelog.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,25 @@ ChangeLog
   releases announces.
+OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc2 (2011-  -  )
+* Maildirs use less memory while syncing.
+Bug Fixes
+* Saving to Maildirs now checks for file existence without race
+* A bug in the underlying imap library has been fixed that could
+  potentially lead to data loss if the server interrupted responses
+  unexpected but legal server status responses. This would mainly occur
+  in folders with many thousands of emails. Upgrading from the previous
+  release is strongly recommended.
 OfflineIMAP v6.3.4-rc1 (2011-05-16)
Nicolas Sebrecht

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