imaplib2 eating data :-(

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Jun 6 20:37:48 BST 2011

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:29:45 +0200, Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at> wrote:
> Here is a bug of recent offlineimap falsly trying to delete around 8k
> emails as it thinks they are gone from the IMAP server.

>  Fortunately, we got a full IMAP trace in:
> and I have now
> analyzed it, concluding that IMAPLIB2 is suppressing data in its
> response which is bad...

I don't get it. How can it be that imaplib2 adds responses to the list
of untagged_responses:

untagged_responses[FETCH] 5399 += ["16222 (FLAGS (\Seen) UID 32749)"]

But the subsequent 

_get_untagged_response(FETCH) => ['1 (FLAGS (\\See......

Doesn't contain these very response fragments?
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