RfC2060 compliance

Thorsten Scherf tscherf at redhat.com
Wed Jun 8 14:10:17 BST 2011

> I recently noticed that offlineimap stopped working after an upgrade
> of our mailservers. The error message is "['Error in IMAP command
> SEARCH: Invalid search date parameter". After some debugging I found
> this log entry:
> Folder sync X[INBOX]: DEBUG[imap]: 04:18.57 > KDMO6 SEARCH (SINCE
> 05-June-2011)
> Folder sync X[INBOX]: DEBUG[imap]: 04:18.57 < KDMO6 BAD Error in IMAP
> command SEARCH: Invalid search date parameter
> Folder sync X[INBOX]: DEBUG[imap]: 04:18.57 matched r'(?P<tag>KDMO\d+)
> (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)' => ('KDMO6', 'BAD', 'Error in IMAP
> command SEARCH: Invalid search date parameter')
> According to RfC2060 the date format should be "05-Jun-2011", not
> "05-June-2011" and no () are allowed. Is this something that can be
> changed in the code to meet the RfC2060 requirements?

changing the date format in IMAP.py fixed the problem.

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