Automated tests using dovecot

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Jun 8 20:43:11 BST 2011

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:58:10 -0400, Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:
> It is a little weird but I feel the same way about Python unit test cases :)

I am not used to either, so I'll have to learn that stuff anyway :)

> Oh, yeah, forgot about those.  That should be fine, we can just use the 
> same trick as the mail location.

Here is what I had to do:

- Replace all hardcoded paths with /home/ethan/... with my paths.
- Replace all occurences of "ethan" as user/group names with my user as
  dovecot would exit with something like "login_user" does not exist. We
  might want to catch stdout/(stderr?) output when starting up dovecot
  and abort if it outputs something. It would show nothing in the test
  suite but would output the error clearly when I started manually as
  /usr/sbin/dovecot -c dovecot.conf.template.
- Even then, I would get mysterious 
  abort: command: LOGIN => connection terminate
  tracebacks from offlineimap. I found out that I also had to change the
  login name in offlineimap.conf and passwd to some existing
  user. "ethan" wouldn't work there, not sure why.

> Oops!  It looks like I forgot to commit something here.  Try a pull and 
> rerun, please?

All tests PASS now :)

> Assuming that everyone is in favor, once it gets cleaned up, what's the 
> way forward for getting something like this merged?  I'm a big fan of 
> small, atomic commits, but I'm not really sure how to break something 
> like this down.

I do like small commit too, but I am for just throwing in the thing, and
gradually improving it. And make everyone to learn how to write (and
run) tests :-)...

Let's see what Nicolas says when he's back from his holidays.
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