Offlineimap 6.3.3-rc1 hangs

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sat Mar 19 12:14:47 UTC 2011

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 02:11:01PM -0400, Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:

> So it might be possible to continue to support Mac/2.5 if someone
> with access to such a system was really motivated to send a patch
> :). We'd still read in small chunks, but we'd stop at the first
> short read (and hope that a short read doesn't happen to line up
> with a "chunk" size? or maybe return each chunk directly, since it's
> being read by a nonblocking thread?).
> But like others said in the recent thread about this code, I find
> special-case code inherently ugly, especially special-case code for
> OS X ("Unix under the hood", pah), and I'm more than happy to make
> OS X users install >=2.6. Maybe I'd have a little more sympathy for
> BSD users :)

Well, we officialy already support python 2.x where x >= 6.

On the sly, we try to do more (especially for basic features/ui) but we
should not have too much sympathy with users in this case.

Maybe we could add something like this in our doc:

  "Other than python 2.x where x >= 6 is not supported. So, it might work
  for you but be aware you're doing it at your own risk and we won't
  have much sympathy to get things work in this case."

Nicolas Sebrecht

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