Gmail to "gmail apps" sync: ValueError: Backend could not find uid for message

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Mar 22 08:08:46 GMT 2011

On Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:52:58 +0100, Alexander Skwar <alexanders.mailinglists+nospam at> wrote:
>     raise ValueError("Backend could not find uid for message")
> ValueError: Backend could not find uid for message
> I also get this with 6.3.3-rc1.
> Is this message "okay"?

No that message is not ok, it means that saving to an imap server
(either Gmail or the other IMAP server) did not return a valid uid and
we should find out why.

Can you rerun with a debug log (-1 -dimap -l debug.log) and check the
lines before the error? Do you see some output in the form:

savemessage: returning new UID <NUMBER> ?

ALso, you could see what is being returned as new UID value 
if you modify offlineimap/folder/
line 165 to output the return UID (it would be either 0 or -1)

-        if newluid < 1:
-            raise ValueError("Backend could not find uid for message")
+        if newluid < 1:
+            raise ValueError("Backend could not find uid (%d)" % newluid)

(as I said, the IMAP debug before such an error would be of interest).

I tried to replicate the error and synced gmail (remote) to imap
(local), but current master branch (should be identical to next) worked
like a charm for me.

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