SQlite backend series updated

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Mar 31 17:27:35 BST 2011

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 08:40:56AM -0400, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> P.S. The sqlite-based status cache is about half the size of the
> plain-text one. My maildir is not sufficiently large to really suffer a
> lot from the extreme performance loss that others had been seeing, so I
> would appreciate if some testing. Going back to plaintext should be
> quite easy and painless.

Thanks for the feedback.

> P.P.S. Sometimes I would love to have a --dry-run feature that would
> tell me what it would sync on a run. I am not sure how easy it would be
> to implement, but is that something others could be interested in as well?

It would be usefull for testing (including users wanting to test some
features) at least and maybe for new users wanting just to know what
would happen while on a fresh install.

Hey, wait... isn't this feature almostly already in with the last
"readonly repository" feature?

Anyway, I think the --dry-run really worth.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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