GMAIL hangs

Piers Lauder piers at
Mon May 2 00:40:43 UTC 2011

On Sun, 1 May 2011 23:54:34 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
  > Let's try with the help of Piers. I think OfflineIMAP one of the most
  > used tool using imaplib2 and I'm sure imaplib2 contributors will help
  > us.
  > As a side question, is there any imaplib2 mailing list? It would be
  > useful.
  > Piers: (I guess you already know) we did the migration from imaplib to
  > imaplib2. The first migration was a failure. I think both softs
  > (imaplib2 & OfflineIMAP) have to be more robust. We have hard bugs with
  > imaplib2. If some comes from imaplib2 itself we may have wrong
  > assumptions against the last library, too.
  > Also, we are missing manpower and expertise to get all issues fixed by
  > ourself only. I wonder if and how we could cooperate to make both tools
  > better.


Currently there's no mailling list or source repository for imaplib2.

How about I put imaplib2 up on a repository that provides a mailing list?
Any suggestions / preferred sites?

I'll be happy to help fix the bug you mentioned after that.


Piers Lauder

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