Double nametrans required in a imap-imap-Sync?

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu May 5 21:44:39 UTC 2011

On Thu, 5 May 2011 21:01:54 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 05, 2011 at 09:21:10AM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> > It does a 2-way sync. But it will only create folders on the LOCAL side
> > when needed. It will never delete a folder and it will never create one
> > on the REMOTE side automatically.
> While I could understand why we don't delete folders on REMOTE, I don't
> understand why we don't create missing ones...

If we currently use "folderfilter" on REMOTE, offlineimap will simply
think they are not there. So if there are equivalent folders on LOCAL,
we would try to create the (already existing) folders each time.
Basically rather than simply "forgetting" the filtered folders, we would
need to put them in an "ignore list" which we can check against.

Also, there is the problem of nametrans. It provides name translation in
one direction, but it cannot "reverse-translate" the folder name, so
given some folder in LOCAL we have no way to find out what its name
should be on REMOTE.

I think it's all somehow solvable, it's just not trivial. The
folderfilter issue is relatively easy. The nametrans thing is more
tricky IMHO.

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